The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

All Sunshine

 It was just a little chilly this morning but not a cloud in the sky. When the sun came up it became warm and soon hot. Perfect for playing in the pool.

A little later Sarah and Taunya decided to let the kids go to the beach and they were able to play in the sand and water for over a half hour. The patrol had been coming through every 15 minutes but in the later afternoon I think they were taking a long break as no one showed up to kick them off the beach. We had prime rib for dinner then went for a walk on the beach to mom's condo.

Abe found a dead crab and didn't want to share it with Zion.
We watched an osprey dive but she didn't catch anything.

We headed up from the water to mom's condo.
The kids loved playing in the piles of sand.

Mom and Aunt Jinnie came out to join us.

The moon was barely reflecting the sun as it set in the west as we headed back to Tauyna's condo.

We stopped to take pictures of the heron fishing.
He just caught some seaweed.
Then took off for better fishing grounds.
By the time we got back to Taunya's condo the moon was quite bright.
If you would like to see the rest of the pictures from today click HERE. We headed inside to watch church on Facebook live. David had the lesson on the first two chapters of Acts. Another good day with not a cloud in the sky all day.,

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