The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

2 Down 11 To Go

We had quite a storm during the night dumping 2.25 inches of rain with lots of lightning and thunder. We didn't get much sleep, Emma was so worried she kept us awake. Why do we love dogs?  The rain stopped in time for our walk. After the walk though it started back up. The weanlings were cared for then the people buying the camping trailer arrived, paid for the trailer, hooked it up and left. That meant a trip into town to run the money to CEFCU then to Diane's office where TWO months of check book accounting needed to be reconciled. That took a while, I just do not keep very good records and Diane has to play detective figuring out where a deposit came from and what horse it was for.  I made it home just before the people came to pick up Oksana's colt. He had been brought inside and when they arrived was dry so we gave him a good groom. He was good for loading and hopefully was good for the 3 and a half hour trip to his new home.
His stall was cleaned, Lola's filly and Soul's filly were moved into that stall so their stall could be cleaned. Irish's stall was just picked. They were fed, watered and then I was done for the day outside. That is 2 of the 2020 foals now gone to their new homes and just 11 to go.  The next one to leave will be Indy's colt then Lola's filly, Soul's filly and Zalena. Inside the dishes needed to be done but after that there was time to listen to AC Central and this time I listened to John Bradle from Roanoke. 

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