The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, August 24, 2020

Skye Leaves

First thing this morning was to get all the paper work together for Skye as she was leaving for her new home. When I went to print out her Coggins test it wasn't up on Globalvet with all the other coggins certificate. Right after the walk I called the Vet clinic and found out that the day she was suppose to have her blood draw was the day I was bringing horses in and out of the stalls and somehow forgot to have her's done. I was able to drive her to the vet clinic and pay the extra money to get the test done quickly. Mike came to meet the buyers and tell them all about her then she was loaded up. When they got home Kay wrote: She settled in very nicely, very quiet didn't call out once looking for any other horses. Followed me around and was comfortable enough to roll within 5 minutes of being in the indoor.
We were also sent the picture below:
I'm glad she got such a good home with people that will love her.
We had a hot and humid day today. That made working outside exhausting. Chuck called and is going to be bringing over round bales so all the equipment in the way of the trailer that dumps the round bales needed to be moved. Mark moved the tractor that was in the way.  The horse trailers were all lined up tight and the van moved next to them. The camping trailer was moved next to the barn which sounds like such an easy job but wasn't. The horse trailer needed to be unhooked from the truck, the hitch switched out, the camper hooked up then backed where we wanted it and the electric plugged in. Then the truck needed to be unhooked, the hitch switched out again and the 2 horse trailer hooked back up. Me thinks we have too much stuff.  All of this moving and switching around was done in the heat. Instead of heading into the house to cool down, the barn was given a quick cleaning and the horses fed.  
This evening I should have worked on yesterday's pictures but just didn't want to and instead Mark and I spent the evening watching a show called Madam Secretary. Kind of a waste of time but interesting enough I really didn't care that I was wasting time.

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