The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, August 6, 2020

General Conference

What a long busy day. Mark got the scraper off the Kubota but ran out of time to get the mower on. The stalls were cleaned and the barn swept. Next was to get the last 4 registrations filled out and taken to Diane's office for mailing. From there I started moving bales. We sold our round bales from last years first cutting for $20.00 a bale. I only kept few to feed Ripper. He is very overweight and shouldn't have good hay and must stay off the grass until he loses weight. Dr. Hoerr recommended a dry lot with bad (non nutritious) hay so he can have something to munch on while he loses weight.  Michaela, Kyro's owner arrived at the same time the buyers of the hay arrived. They were willing to load the hay with the skid steer while Kyro and Madiera were brought into a stall. Michaela was shown how to halter him, how he picks up his hooves and how he loves attention.  They were taken out to the field for Madiera to graze and Kyro to show off. Machaela and her mom are staying in Rachel's cottage in Hanna City. I recommended Gils for supper and the Hog trough for breakfast. After supper they came back here to work with Kyro. I left for mom's where Spark, Rhonda, Diane and I joined mom for the general conference. We watched on her lap top.
We wanted to use the big screen from Ruth and Fedi but Ruth and Fedi didn't come and we were afraid to try as if we were knocked off the conference we would not be able to get back on. There were only 1000 people allowed on and over 1300 that signed up. IF someone got off the next in line would take that place.  The conference lasted around 3 hours. Mike got the mower hooked up just after noon. Mark mowed the outdoor arena after work. Joan borrowed the weed sprayer but hopefully will be done by tomorrow and I can get that outdoor arena sprayed.

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