The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, August 10, 2020

30 Degree Change

I over slept not waking until almost 6:30 am. Weekends of playing are exhausting! It was already hot and humid for our walk. Mom was able to walk some this morning. She was not experiencing the terribly sharp back pains of the last few mornings. Indy was teased after the walk and would not show at all but later she was hanging round by the back of Valiant's paddock. She was taken out and Evan brought up to her and she said no by trying to kick him. She is for sure out and was covered twice so maybe, just maybe she settled this time. Her colt is ready to wean but I need to bring in Oksana and her colt so the two colts can be weaned together. Lily's colt is also old enough so I may as well make 2 trips and bring both in.
By 11:00 am the horses were needing to be hosed down to help cool them down. By 1:30 pm they were hosed down again then put in the airconditioned barn. It was 93 degrees outside and very humid. By the time I was done cooling off the horses I was dripping wet with sweat but just a few minutes later a storm moved in with 61 mph wind gusts and dropped the temperature to 63 degrees a 30 degree change that felt very refreshing. We got some rain but lots of wind. Just a few miles away were 80 mph wind gusts. When Mark got home from work he borrowed Joan's kids to help clean up all the fallen limbs.

There is a huge cottonwood tree down by Spark and Rhonda's house.

Mark will need to get his chain saw out tomorrow. We WILL rebuild!
The rain started up again but this time more rain than wind. A family came today to check out the Exiss trailer in the rain. Their truck is quite a bit taller than mine so they need to call the company that make Exiss trailers to see if they can adjust the back end so the trailer will ride level once hooked to their truck.

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