The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Day of Rest

Today was not a day of rest for me. I needed to be up early to get everything done before leaving for church at 8:00 am. The first thing though is to scarf down a cup of STRONG coffee at 5:10 am, then throw in a load of laundry, get the dishes done from yesterday and sweep the floors. The kids started arriving for coffee and breakfast around 6:00 am. Today the kitchen was short order. In other words the eggs, toast and bacon were cooked as each arrived. As it was still cool as soon as breakfast was over Tori was taken out, teased and covered. While that was happening I noticed that Sheena is now in and showing. Nolan came out to help with the Appaloosa mare and she is now out. I only got one cover on her, hope she settles. The shower was needed this morning. We picked up mom right at 8:00 am. Mike Rieker had the morning service reading Isaiah 44 and 45. After the message we went out to the foyer and everyone there was busy visiting, almost like old times. Mom brought apple friters and I brought strawberries, biscuits, cookies and water. We really missed the coffee this morning. Tim Funk had the second service.
We stopped at Aldi on the way home for chips needed for the dinner tonight. It was very hot outside so Rosaleigh and her colt were taken to the indoor, hosed down then put in a stall. Mark turned the barn air conditioner on. Rhoda arrived and reported Emily and Mitchel were on the way to work with Skye but Mitchel was also going to show her how to trim Jury, her Andalusian mare.
Rhoda put Jury in the airconditioned stall barn then we went out to watch Mitchel work with Skye.

If you would like to see the rest of the pictures from that training session click HERE
After Skye was put away they went into the stall to work with Jury.

 The grandchildren saw us on the foaling monitor and came to check out what was happening.

 Rhoda did well learning.
I had to leave to finish preparing supper which was haystacks. We had Sarah, Zion, Eden and  Stephanie missing at dinner but we were still packed like sardines in this little house.  Volley ball started at 6:00 pm and it was over 90 degrees, the players just don't quit even in extreme heat although some of them did run down to jump in the lake between games sometimes.
I went down by the beach to watch the kids swim.

The volley ball games ended early tonight, just too hot to keep playing. Rachel invited everyone over for dessert. I left early to get Rosaleigh and her colt outside and clean stalls. When I got back to the house the supper dishes were waiting along with 2 loads of laundry. The last load is now done, I'm going to get that folded, put away and am heading to bed. 

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