The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, May 28, 2020

1 Day Old

A bale was moved in Ribbon's old paddock right after our walk so Indy, Oksana and their colts could be moved into that paddock. Lily, Tori and their colts are sharing the indoor arena at night and are turned out to graze for a few hours before being locked up in the pasture behind Ribbon's old paddock. Mercede's brought her mare Lacy to be bred. Lacy was sonagrammed yesterday at a 40 and today she was covered by Valiant. She will be teased again on Saturday.  Hadassah's day old filly was taken outside for a few pictures. She had a ball learning to use those long legs. She is really adorable and very sweet.

A big rain storm was coming from the west with lots of rumbling thunder. Hadassah and her filly were taken to the indoor arena.
 Hadassah is so relaxed now she dropped and rolled pretty quickly. 
IF you would like to see the rest of the pictures of this filly running around her mom click HERE.
Karin and Shaeya arrived right then riding the cabin horses over from the field and asked me to pull the big trailer out only when I did the truck didn't have brakes.  That was backed up and the two horse with the new truck was pulled up. Karin fit 3 horses in that and took off for Justin's land where she was asked to bring the horses. Karin took Sally, Missy and Cookie.

Sangria was put in with Ayanna and Jury and will spend the night here before taking her back to the cabin field in the morning. Karin and Shaeya gave pony rides for about an hour before they were rained out.  Joan had 3 of the mowers going at mom's trying to get the mowing done before the rain hit here.
 Joan doesn't just mow she also works on her phone while mowing. Faith and Berlica were using the green machine.
 Mackenson runs the push mower.
 I asked Spark if he would use his handy machine to move the camping trailer back over to our place.

We wanted to get it out of there before more rain made the yard sopping wet. We are suppose to have dry weather next week. Anna came to get the apartment ready for the guests coming in tomorrow so the girls helped me clean stalls, feed, move Hadassah and her filly back to the stall and bring in Lily, Tori and their colts to the indoor arena for the night.
I made chicken stir fry for supper tonight. After supper Mark did more weed whacking. It is crazy how much rain we have had and how quickly the grass is growing.

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