The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, March 2, 2020

All Sold

This morning after our walk mom went in to grab a plate she thought I left but the plate does not match my dishes. Did anyone leave this plate at mom's house?  She would like to find the owner.
After the walk I drove to Meister Brothers to pay the first of the month bills then Ivy, Sarah and Nolan's Poodle was taken home. Of course I had to go in and play with Zion and the puppies.
Puppy news is amazing. ALL puppies are now SOLD. Of course they won't be leaving for a few more weeks.  From Sarah's house I drove to Aldi for groceries. From there it was home to work on the Romania news letters on the Berean Blog. Fedi sent updates he received from the Romanian Berean Volunteers for the past 6 months. I was able to get 2 of the months published. Click HERE for the link to the December 2019 news letter and click HERE for the link to the January 2020 news letter.
Anna and Kensley stopped in for a short while and Anna gave me an update on the place here while I was in Texas. At 1:00 pm I had to run back to Meister's to meet with Skip to sign up for my new health insurance. Next month I will be on Medicare so that and the supplemental insurance of Humana will be saving the company $1300.00 EACH and EVERY month.  The cost to insure me alone was outrageous since Obamacare took effect.
We had nice day but not quite as warm as Sunday with a high of only 49 degrees but the sunshine felt wonderful. Right now though we are a mud farm.  The mud is soupy with all the ice and snow melt. Indy was checked and still no waxing so I will leave her out again tonight. She is much happier being with the other horses. I ran out of time today to pick up Oksana and will try to get her picked up tomorrow after Berean if all goes well. Then both mares will be stalled at night and both will be content in the barn with a companion.  I need to get those foaling cameras up and running SOON.
I started looking for news on the Corona virus and found a blogger who wrote about his trip to China to adopt he and his wife's daughter and wrote a very interesting post about the Corona Virus. He titles this, The Birth of a Virus.  Just click on that title to read. It is long but worth the time.

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