The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Pancake Supper

What a labor intensive busy day. Breakfast was made inside before heading outside to feed the horses their breakfast and from there Emma and I headed to mom's to meet for the walk.  We always have so much to discuss on these walks. Mom says it is hard to get a word in and sometimes she gets loud as she  exclaims "Stop, I have something to SAY!"
I didn't even go to the house after the walk but went straight to the barn to start moving bales. With so much rain predicted I wanted every paddock to have plenty of hay. Today Evan's paddock, Valiant's paddock, Jenis' paddock and the weanling paddock all got a new round bale. The next job was to find the pick ax and spade and start digging out the doorway of the big barn.  All of those jobs were finished by 10:00 am, I ran to clean up a bit and changed into a skirt before heading to Stock and Field in Pekin for more grain loading 600 pounds on to a cart, then into the car then once home dumping all 12 bags into the metal garbage cans.  At that point my muscles were begging for a break. Instead though I ran to Kroger to pick up some cream for our coffee and a few other items. I was shocked to find no carts available, the parking lot full AND Kroger was out of French vanilla cream.  The store was packed. At first I couldn't figure out why until I realized everyone is getting their shopping done before the storm hits.
Mark came home from work early to work on his garage. He is going to be installing a storm shelter in it, one that the airbnb renters can use. The barns do not have basements.  We picked up mom at 5:00 pm, drove to Phil and Anna's parked our car and took theirs along with their 3 girls to the Fellowship hall for the annual pancake and sausage supper. Everyone has such a good time there.
Molly and Gabe brought Nancy and she was pretty thrilled to be able to eat with mom and Bonnie.
 The candy store is to the left of the picture below. Braelyn, Taegan and Kensley spent a lot of time at that table. They each had $5.00 to spend. 
 The girls were playing on the stage while mom, Diane and I shopped at the bake sale.  That table is also very popular and not just with the children. 
It was pouring rain by the time we left. We are suppose to get a couple inches of rain before it turns to ice and then snow. I'm very glad everything got done today to prepare for this storm.
A while back we got an update from a lady that bought one of Lily's colts. Below is a video of him as a long yearling.
The picture below is of him as a 2 year old. Lily and Valiant throw GORGEOUS foals!
Lily is due June 1st, 2020 but she always delivers early so we expect this foal to be born in May.

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