The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Sale Pending Zalena

Even though we went to bed after midnight we still were both up by 5:30 am. It must have something to do with the smell of coffee.  I wanted to get the van cleaned out and filled with gas before Anna needed it this morning for her trip to Minnesota and was at the gas station shortly after 6:00 pm. As I was driving back I realized it would be better for her to take Mark's car. That car has brand new snow tires and we heard they had snow  up in Minnesota.  That meant Mark's car needed to have all the tools taken out of the back. As soon as we finished with the cars sausage, eggs and delicious blueberry pancakes with real maple syrup was made for our breakfast.  The next job was to start chopping vegetables and the left over beef from last night to make a big pot of beef barley soup. That is a tradition we have followed for probably more than 60 years. Originally it was to feed the foot ball players for the annual carnation bowl but about 10-15 years ago the carnation bowl was done. I guess we all just got too old. The soup is something we don't want to give up, it just hits the spot after all the party food fun and fellowship. Karin called to report she was on the way in to ride as the day was so nice. It was sunny and 46 degrees outside. Such a wonderful gift for the start of 2020. She started with Valiant.

I decided today was the perfect day to wean Tatiana's filly so while Karin was riding brought them inside putting the filly in the small stall and Tatiana in a stall across the aisle. The filly stood very well for haltering but when she was tied she threw a fit, slammed into the door and broke the latch and the stall door ended up coming off the roller.  The door was moved back out of the way and the filly left tied where she could go in the stall or stand in the aisle. After watching her a while I left to go get those pictures above of Karin and Valiant.  All was quiet in the stall barn after a few minutes so the filly was taken back to the paddock. When I got back Karin had finished up with Valiant so I rode him and got some wonderfully smooth trot canter transitions.

Valiant was put away and Evan brought out. The day was so nice that Karin took him to the outdoor arena which gave me time to get a bale moved into the weanling paddock. Evan was having a ball in that arena first dropping and rolling in the soft sand then having a ball galloping around bucking.

 Karin asked him to stop, pay attention and then practiced his Spanish Walk. 

 Ruth and Fedi arrived just as Karin was putting Evan away. They were walking around the neighborhood followed by 4 dogs.  We had fun rehashing the party then noticed all 4 dogs watching Fedi intently. It turned out he had treats in his pocket.
They were given some soup then I left with the truck and trailer taking Tatiana out to Middle Grove. 
 She was glad to get back, let out a couple neighs then went galloping up the hill to find the herd.
On the way home a message came in from one of our past customers wanting to buy Zalena. They brought their mare Belle here to be bred to Raven and Belle had a gorgeous gray filly they named Freyja. They love her so much they and Freyja is just beautiful. 
 Since the new laws about not touching a cell phone are now in effect I didn't pick up the phone to answer until I finally pulled into our drive. They are SURE they want Zalena so she will be marked Sale Pending. Zalena will be going to a wonderful home.  I was home by 3:00 pm. Mark had driven to town to buy a new battery for the Prius and had just finished installing that when I drove up. His next job was to fix the stall door that Tatiana's filly broke. We were putting it back on the tract when Matt and Anni arrived bringing their dog Chewy over for a walk.  Right after the stall door was fixed we cleaned up and left to meet Ken and Amy at the Avanti's in Pekin. That was so enjoyable. We visited there for over an hour and a half.  

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