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Monday, January 6, 2020

Blast From the Past

This was brought to my attention and truly is a blast from the past. This was posted on Sunday Nov 14th, 2010:

Nutcracker on Horseback

Mom wants to go to Chicago to see the Nutcracker on horseback. If we get a group of more than 10 we can get a group rate so an email was sent out to the family. My nutty family answers below
From Nate:I don't think I could sit on a horse for that long for the whole show.
From Justin: My max horseback time is about 35 minutes. Would there be special memory foam saddles for events like these.
From Joan: I’m thinking that it isn’t just the Nutcracker who is cracked. J
From Rhonda: Ok, Spark's mind jumped right on board w/Nate and Justin. When do you need to know by?
From Michelle: who's on crack?
From Joan: Definitely too much jail exposure going on in this family.
From Rachel: we may be taking the kids snowboarding that weekend, if there's snow and the lift tickets are cheap.
From Karin: Yep- the lift tickets at Chestnut are $15 opening day till Dec.17th, at sundown they are $20
Can we go to the nutcracker the week before? like Dec 4th?

From Andrew: I like how this has drifted from horses to snowboarding. Keep it up, we're moving in the right direction.
From Rodney: we're going to be skydiving that weekend. could u pick a different weekend to see the nutcracker on the horse?
From Justin: O man do I feel dumb. I called and asked about different saddle options for that long of showing and they explained that you sit in seats and watch other people perform the play while riding a horse. Then it got even funnier. The NUTcracker on horseback that almost makes me want to go. But why would I pay to watch something I've experienced while riding bareback with Karen. I think I'll go snowboarding!
From Karin: yes... there will be no children in your future if you go bareback riding with me. that is a fact
From Nate: Karin, let's go horseback riding.
From Karin: no, Nate! the muslims are having 8.3 children... you are not done yet!!
From Rachel: Now that we've got that all straightened out....I'm sure the horses are relieved!!!
From Jake: How can I get removed from this email list
From Jake's lovely wife Andi: You said it sweetie, your family is crazy weird. I think the road trip up there would be worse than being forced to pay for a horse show.

Don't you just LOVE the way my family thinks?

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