The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Killing Fields

Rhoda sent the picture below.  She took it yesterday when Iris walked up to grandpa and asked to sit on his lap.  We've had a breakthrough. She also let me hold her quite a bit during the evening. Iris is feeling much more comfortable around us now.
This morning after the walk I went straight up to the apartment to start cleaning from our guests over the weekend and the apartment was left in terrible shape.  The guests had 4 children and they left the door wide open for hours as they played on the trampoline. There must have been over a hundred flies swarming around. I started killing flies, so many that I ended up breaking a fly swatter and went down to the house to get another. After about an hour of swatting flies the floors looked like the fly killing fields. We had all the cold rain on Saturday then beautiful weather on Sunday and all the flies in the area decided to move inside. That wasn't the worst though. What I didn't realize was they used the apartment shower to dye that little girl with purple hair. The shower was stained purple, there was purple stain on the couch, pillow cases, blankets and bed coverings. Towels and wash cloths were also stained purple so it looked like they tried to clean it up some. There was food spilled everywhere and some kind of juice all over the floor causing that to be very sticky. They must have fried up bacon because the grease was covering the stove. Most of the time after we have guests, the apartment is left so clean the only thing needed is to change the bedding but not this time, this time it took hours. At least they didn't pop the airbed and no permanent damage was done.
An update came from the lady that bought Missy's filly by Evan she named Amelia: Megan writes, "she’s just so beautiful!"
She is also the sweetest filly, who not only loves all the people she meets, but she gets along so well with other horses too! I know that, without a doubt, she is my equine soulmate 💛

We didn't breed Missy back as she is in too much of a demand as one of our special riding horses, but we are amazed at how beautiful her filly turned out.  We love Missy but safe to say, it isn't for her amazing beauty.
She sure had a lovely filly though.
Mark worked on the driveways as soon as he got home from work today filling in pot holes and using the grader until it got too dark to see.  

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