The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, September 19, 2019

28 Bales

Fedi surprised us and came on the walk today. Diane thought he should have changed into something a bit more stylish for our walk but Joan said she knew that patterns are important and both is top and bottom had squares. We are thrilled he felt well enough to come.
Joan had to show us what Bill, her son-in-law made for her. Berlica was glad to show us how it works. It is a wonderful invention, the noodle is bolted to the block wall and the fishing poles fit snug inside the noodle and yet can be pulled out easily. Hopefully this will stop the kids from tangling the lines.
Before we got over the dam, Mike showed up with Ripper. He really enjoys working with this gelding.
Ripper just grazes while waiting for us to finish talking.
After the walk 2 horse trailer was hooked up to the 2015 truck for a trip to Middle Grove to pick up Oksana. The home schooling co-op is doing a report on Medieval times and Joan's girls are going to put on a jousting demonstration. We already have Jenis here and she is experienced in jousting but our other jousting horse was Ribbon and she died. Check out the video below of Karin riding Ribbon and Rhoda riding Jenis during our very first jousting demo. Valiant and Evan 20 months old for this show and both did exceptionally well. 
After talking to Karin she believes Oksana would be pretty easy to train for that. When I got to the top of the hill the mares were all lounging under the trees where the salt blocks are kept. Except Sheena and her colt by Valiant. They were still out grazing.

Below are pictures of the herd under the trees.  3 left to right are Rosalie, her full sister Ayanna and Indy. Behind them is Skye.
 Below is Lily's filly. 
 Ivan, Irish and Isla were quick to come for attention.
 Tatiana's filly is no dummy, she knows the best way to keep flies off is to stand UNDER her mom's tail. 
 Sangria was enjoying one of the salt blocks while Missy looked on. 
 Soul's colt came up for attention. 
 Below are Lola and her filly by Valiant. 
 Lily's filly has perfect conformation, she is a real beauty. The bay is Jewel's colt and behind him I think is Madiera and her colt grooming each other. 
 I needed to also pull hair from Madiera's colt and was thrilled when he walked right up to me and let me scratch him all over and then he didn't even flinch when I pulled out about 40 of his tail hair.  Oksana was haltered and we started our trip down to the trailer. Skye not only followed us all the way down to the trailer, when I opened the door of the trailer she walked right in. Oksana was also loaded, the door shut and I was on the way home with both mares.  Skye isn't even considered a mare yet, she is just 28 months old and already well over 16 hands.  Mike wanted her home to start training her and brought over a halter. She was put in with Oksana.
The registration papers for Madiera's colt, Galena's filly and Sheena's colt were filled out and sent in today. Ryan brought the baler over around 2:30 pm and started baling. The auger needed to be taken off the skid steer and the bale spear put on for moving the bales. Mark got home as I was getting that done. He took the tractor and I used the skid steer and we got all 28 bales moved inside before dark.  When we got in, Mark decided he wanted blueberry pancakes for supper along with the left over chicken from Gils yesterday.  We had no pancake batter but had self rising flour and sour milk so I was able to make some very tasty blueberry pancakes using that, eggs, vanilla, a little sugar, olive oil and of course lots of blueberries.  It is now after 8:00 pm and I still need to do the dishes before heading to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Time to get Evan and Valiant jousting against eachother! lol. I sure miss Ylse, one of the sweetest mares.
