The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, May 24, 2019


Sheena went into active labor at 3:45 am and really struggled. The two front feet were a welcome sign and when the head arrived I though she was easily going to push this colt out.

 But she just wasn't making any progress. At that point the sack was torn and I started pulling. Once the shoulders were out I quit believing she would be able to finish the job herself so the phone was picked up to snap a picture. The colt started flailing around and still not getting pushed out so back to work I went until the rib cage was out. Only then was Sheena able to finish the job. 
 Mike and Diane arrived and helped move them into a clean stall for the rest of the night.  
He is a beautiful BIG all black colt.  We left them and now I'm watching on the monitor to make sure he stands and nurses. Thankful for a safe delivery and a healthy colt.
The pictures below were taken 3 hours after birth. He is getting up on his own, has nursed well, and Sheena has delivered the placenta.

Iodine has been administered to his cord and all is well! He sold tonight, not even a day old. Congratulations Jackie!

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