The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, April 5, 2019

Very Busy Day

I over slept this morning and had to scramble to get everything done before our walk. The horses were fed but the stalls were not cleaned. Mark got a cooked breakfast but no fancy omlet today just a half of an avocado, half of a brat (left over from Wednesday night) one over medium egg and a piece of cinnamon raisin toast.  Right after the walk the stalls were cleaned.  Galena and her filly were turned out into the pond pasture. I had someone wanting to see a video of her but we don't chase around week old fillies. I thought Galena may run but nope, she walked across the pond and started grazing. As soon as the filly realized where I was standing she wandered down to see what was going on. I kept backing up but finally just turned off the camera.

Her filly had to taste the grass and found out it was good.

 Below Galena is heading over to Evan's paddock to show to him. Tomorrow I'll try to get her covered. 
They were brought inside so Lola and her filly could get out for a bit. Lola on the other had was thrilled to get out and run.
Of course she had to stop and roll before taking off running again.

 Lola stopped on the dam, turned around and came running back up the hill.
They were brought into the indoor for the day. The filly was glad to take a nap after all the excitement of being outside.
This afternoon Karin came with a car full of vaulting surcingles, pads, and supplies to be stored here. She is moving out of her house and is going to rent it to some lucky person who would like to live in the small town of Maquon. It just doesn't make sense for her to be splitting her time between there, Farmington and here. We always thought she was a minimalist but found out she is actually kind of a hoarder having clothes and supplies in 3 different locations. What is really funny about this is we have always accused her of living out of her car which would be the  FOURTH location for stuff!
Rebekah came today to get some pointers from Karin on her training with Irish the Gypsy. She showed us first what she has been doing with her and we were both impressed. Below she is picking up her hooves.

 Irish is now wearing a bridle, saddlepad and surcingle. 

 Studly gets lots of exercise when Karin has a horse in the round pen. He thinks it is his job to show the way around.
I had to leave to meet Mark at the church for Don Hoerr's visitation. That was like a 40 year reunion for many of us meeting so many people we grew up with. While we were waiting in line I mentioned to Steve Schmidgall that we were going to dinner after this and he recommended Asia Grill behind Junction city. We had never heard of it so gave it a try.  The food was good but not quite what we expected. The waitress recommended the appetizer special. Those are green beans with a very tasty sauce. Mark and I split them and they were really delicious. The cost was $6.00 for the order.
Mark ordered egg rolls at 2 for $3.00 and I ordered the oriental chicken salad. The egg rolls were also good. The salad was not at all what I expected. It was iceberg lettuce with some pieces of chicken, a few crispy noodles a couple cherry tomatoes and some thin ribbon of carrots. The dressing was creamy ginger.
I'm not complaining, it tasted good. Mark and I split it, above is his half. The cost was $7.50 so very reasonable.  I also ordered a cup of hot tea which I thought would be complimentary but cost $2.00. Our entire bill minus the 20% tip was $20.00. After dinner we went back to the church to pick up the truck. I drove that home while Mark stopped at Aldi with my car. I stopped on the way home to fill the truck up with gas as Dan is taking it in the morning to Goodfield. When Mark got home we needed to take the mower he bought out of the back of the truck but first he needed to take the bale spear out and put on the pallet fork of the quick attach on the tractor.
 That mower is a 42 inch deck for the little Kubota so we will be able to mow the paddocks easier. 
 The tractor with the pallet fork had no problem picking up the mower deck and depositing it in the indoor. 
 His last job was to take the pallet fork off and put the bale spears back on. 
The horses were cared for one more time then I went in to do my last job of the day, give Mark a hair cut. It is now almost 9:30 pm and I am more than ready for bed.
A nice email with pictures came in from April the lady that bought Zephyr (Star's 2018 colt by Valiant) and Drifter (Galena's 2018 colt by Valiant).
 I was so thrilled these two ended up at the same home. They were such buddies.
A big thank you to April for sending along the pictures. These boys are growing!

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