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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Jessica's Wedding

We had a cold morning but the sun was shining bright for Jessica and Clayton's wedding day. The chores were done and then we were on our way to church with mom.  It was wonderful to see so many people. Spark had to come a little late as he was at the jail in the morning and when he arrived there were no parking places left. He had to park out on the streets.  Almost the entire Sceggel family was there. For some reason the Texas family didn't make 12 hour trip up but I totally understand that as they are coming for the month of July.  We had such a wonderful day in church and after the morning service Tim announced another engagement. Mike and Rosie announced the engagement of their daughter Tiffany to Trent from the Washington church. As we had lots of visitors from Washington (Clayton is from Washington) Tim Funk said, "you Washington people need to keep your boys home."  Almost everyone broke out laughing. 
We really do wish them God's blessings even if they end up attending Washington instead of Peoria. 
We came straight home to let the dogs out then headed to the fellowship hall for the reception. By the time we got there the place was packed.
Mark and I needed to start on dishes right away so didn't go through the line right away. Rachel posted the 2 pictures below of the happy couple.
Below Mark is helping out, he is not dumpster diving even though he is standing in the dumpster. He was needed to crush the garbage down so we could get more bags in. Rachel had a lot of disposables for this wedding reception which really cut down on the dishes but made for a lot of garbage. 
 We were able to greet the bride and groom, grab something quick to eat then went right back into the kitchen until it was time for the wedding couple to leave. Instead of rice they were passing out bubbles but some of Clayton's friends had 50 pounds of bird seed on the roof ready to dump on Clayton.

Rachel asked them to wait to dump it until Jessica was safe in the getaway car.
Mom was kind of in the way and ended up with a lot of bird seed in her hair.  Clean up went well with lots of help. We made it home by 5:45 pm and volley ball was just getting started. I had 5 grandchildren there and took pictures but it is too late so those will be downloaded tomorrow.  After volleyball Rhonda, Joan, mom, Braelyn and I played Mexican Train. Rhonda smeared us all. 

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