The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Tornado Warnings

 With the rain we had early this morning every thing was flooded. The pond was close to overflowing it's banks. The overflow was roaring like a big waterfall.
 Karin and Kayla came this morning to work horses and brought Rosalie, Ayanna and Indy inside giving them a chance to relax out of the rain first before asking them to work.
 Rosalie was the first to decide that nice soft sand would feel really good on her back and enjoyed a nice long roll covering herself with that sand. 
 Karin asked them to listen to her while she round penned the three together. 
 Karin rode Ayanna first while Kayla rode Indy. While they were riding those mares I ran to Dollar General to pick up more bottled water along with shampoo and conditioner for our guests coming in tonight.  By the time I got back Kayla was on Ayanna (pictured below), 
 while Karin was riding Indy. 

 When Karin finished with Indy and was tacking up Rosalie,  Kayla had already removed Ayanna's saddle. Ayanna walked between Rosalie and Indy and waited for Kayla to come groom her. She is not tied, just waiting in line for her turn being groomed. 
 Below Kayla is giving Ayanna a good grooming while Indy waits for her turn. These horses are so funny. They know the routine and know if they line up they are going to get attention. 
 All of the horses were a little up today. With the blizzard on Monday then the terrible cold weather, lots of ice beneath the snow, none of the horses got worked this week. 
 As Rosalie kept spooking at the side barn door (it kept rattling when the wind would blow) Karin would work her then let her rest at that place.  It worked, she finally decided there was nothing to be worried about. 
 Once Kayla finished grooming Ayanna it was Indy's turn. You can only see Kayla's hat behind Indy's rump. By the time Kayla was done grooming the mares looked beautiful.  
By the time the mares were put away it was WAY past time for breakfast. We went to the Hog Trough in Hanna City for that.  After that late breakfast Karin took a new puzzle over to mom's house. This one is really hard. I started the laundry then went over and both of us worked on that until almost 1:30 pm.  When we walked out of mom's house we were shocked at the temperature. It had climbed from the 30s into the 50's. Zalena's colt was put in the back field.  This evening the tornado sirens started going off. We could see the storm coming quickly. The colt was brought back inside and we both got wet while I was leading him in. The thunder was rumbling and we could see the sky lighting up from lightning. Mom went down her basement and called to see if we wanted to come join her as she didn't think we could get Emma down our basement stairs. A tornado did touch down in Lewistown and was heading our way. Below is a picture someone took of that tornado.
We haven't heard if that one did much damage but the tornado that touched down in Taylorville, IL did do a lot of damage. We missed the brunt of the storm, it skipped right over us. My guests let me know they were riding out the storm at the Cracker Barrel in Morton, IL.  
AND now for a little light humor. This couple thought their dog needed snow shoes and below is the result.

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