The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Girls

The tractor left the farm today. It is going to be fitted properly (professionally) for a snow plow for this coming winter. Before it was loaded on the trailer I grabbed the chain, a wrench and a knife off of it. The chain was just in case we needed to pull something, the wrench is used as a hammer and sometimes as a wrench and the knife is used to cut the net wrap off each round bale.
Sheena was given 15 cc's of Gentamiacin and more bute. Her left front leg and hoof were soaked in cool water. The infection seems to be in the lower part of her leg.
Rhoda brought Ruby and Iris, Sarah just brought Zion and they all came to visit today. Zion had fun playing with Ruby. Ruby loves Zion but sometimes Zion gets a little too rough so we never leave them unsupervised.

 We had lunch at the Warehouse in Hanna City. This afternoon  I mixed up bug and spider spray and sprayed all around the barns, the stalls,  around the apartment and around the house. The spiders have been going crazy building webs everywhere in the barns. I knock them down and the next day they are back up.   Karin arrived once she got off work so I offered to take both babies on the golf cart while Karin, Rhoda and Sarah took 3 mares out on the trails.  Sarah took the picture below. 
 Iris loved the golf cart ride. 
 Below the girls are just heading out. Sarah is riding Oksana, Karin is riding Tory and Rhoda is riding Indy. Studley and Ruby love going on the trails. I loved seeing both of my daughters back on the  horses. They haven't ridden since their daughters were born. 

They went down on the death trails. I took both babies back to the house,  it just got too hot out on the golf cart, so we quit and went inside to cool off in the air conditioning.  After the ride Sarah drove over to Phil and Anna's and picked up Hux. She is taking him home for the next few days to visit Arietta. Just maybe there will be puppies in a couple months.  Before Rhoda and Sarah left they helped get the popcorn machine down from the upstairs closet. We needed to load it in the back of my car and take it to church tonight. Bob and Myrna are going to use it for the singing at their house Saturday evening.  Tonight was more of the Hope Bibles study at church. Tim Roecker led that.  

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