The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Preparing for Indy

This morning the foaling stall was prepared for Indy's coming delivery. Below is one of my favorite pictures of Indy. Emily had just had a good ride on her and hosed her down. They were standing in the doorway when I snapped the picture. She is just 3 years old in the picture below.
Jessica rode Indy on one of her first trail rides at Jubilee.
Indy is a lifer around here, a true gift from God. Indy learned to swim when she was about 2 months old. She surprised us by jumping in the water even before her mom did and taking off swimming. Below Mitchel is swimming with her just before she turned 3 years old.
Indy is one of our performing mares, In the picture below her rider Tyler is probably around 6 feet 4 inches tall and yet Indy makes him look average.  
Indy's foals by Evan are amazing, tall, hairy and my oh my what movement. The video below is of Indy's first filly by Evan. Believe me they ALL move this nice.
Indy is still not as bagged up and she needs to be but just in case 4 bags of bedding was added to the stall that had been stripped down, swept and sprayed with bleach. Once that was done I changed out of those dusty dirty clothes and left for Big R to pick up 4 bags of grain, 4 50 pound salt blocks and 1 40 pound bag of cat food. The cat is doing a very good job keeping the mice down in the barn and I sure don't want her moving away.  She still had a bowl full of cat food but the bag was empty. This time I sprang for the more expensive bag after checking the ingredients, instead of $18.00 for 40 pounds I bought the $23.00 bag. The cat has earned her place here. As long as I was in Pekin for cat food Aldi was visited for a few groceries.  This afternoon Dan and Diesel came over for a short visit on their way back from a job, Dan hadn't eaten lunch yet so ate some of the Berean leftovers before heading back to work.
Mark drove mom, Diane and I to church tonight. Craig Stickling had the message. I sure appreciate our Peoria ministers. We got bad news that David Obergfel is back in the hospital in ICU. Please pray for him, we NEED him.

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