The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, August 6, 2018

Critical Condition

On the monitor this morning I could see that Wicktoria's colt was not doing well. He was no longer able to get up on his own and I could tell he wasn't breathing correctly. Dr. Pallen was called on the Hoerr vet clinic emergency phone. She agreed, for Karin to bring Wicktoria and her colt in right away.
Karin was able to get him nursing before they left and when they arrived he was still standing but Dr. Pallen reported he crashed pretty quickly. He is for sure a premie, not as developed as he should be which was caused by the placenta being infected. His lungs were not working and the colt was put on oxygen. He was also tubed and fed that way. Around 11:00 am Dr. Pallen called to report he was critical and she suggested euthanizing him but just then he struggled, stood up on his own and nurses.  This evening the report was he was still needing oxygen but was nursing much better. Unfortunately he is also still getting milk in his nose when Wicktoria lets her milk down and with his underdeveloped lungs that isn't good at all. Hopefully he will still be alive in the morning.
We had a hot sunny day here in Branson, perfect for visiting the White Water water park. Everyone but Rhoda, Iris, Zion, Abe, Mark, and Elisabet left for that park. We 3 adults had fun with the 4 young ones.

 Mark and I took Abe and Zion in the strollers for a walk but the hills around here about did us in. We quit after 40 minutes, it was just too steep.
Sarah sent a few pictures back from the water park.

 Everyone, kids and adults had a ball. The water slides were a lot of fun but some were so fast they were even scary. Braelyn did the big slide twice.  They all came back HUNGRY.  Mark grilled steak for supper and that was served with piping hot sweet potatoes, a big salad, sauteed mushrooms and onions. Everyone got their fill. Yesterday was Elisabet's 2nd birthday so tonight we celebrated that. We made brownies instead of a cake and served that with icecream.

The favorite gift of the day was from Taunya and Rhoda. A house cleaning kit. All the kids took a tool and went right to work cleaning up this house.

Rhoda and Lee, Ben and Sarah and Nolan left after supper for Silver Dollar City and spent the evening going on rollercoasters. They said the lines weren't too bad, about 20 minutes.They only sent back one picture.
 We got to babysit Iris tonight while Rhoda and Lee had fun on roller coasters. Below Addyson is carrying Iris in the sling.

We had another full day and everyone is already sound asleep. I will be too in a few minutes. Sure am hoping for good news on Wicktoria's colt tomorrow morning.

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