The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Tuesday's are Berean day so on Tuesday's I only do one round of the walk. We had a good morning there, not a lot of mail but that meant we got the Bible requests done for the week too. If you would like to read about our morning there click HERE.
It was really hot once home, too hot to work outside.  This evening as I was moving a bale into Ribbon's old paddock the bale spear broke dropping the bale on the driveway.  The bolts had come loose causing the spear supports to rip right off the quick attach.  Thankful we had one for the skid steer so the bale got moved but I will need to replace the broken one for the tractor. I was just glad it didn't break when any kids or dogs were around.  Lily was teased and covered by Valiant.  Jenis, Sangria, Roxanne and Oksana were moved into the pasture next to Evan's paddock.  Mark drover over to Fedi's to pick up a few more nails then we went to work putting up insulation.
We still have the two corners to get done.  There are fireworks going off all around us and Emma was kind of stressed staying right with us where ever we were trying to work. 

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