The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


I had a short walk today in order to get to Berean before 9:00 am but even with stopping the walk early I was 2 minutes late. There already was group waiting for the mail and more than ready to work. If you would like to read about our morning there click HERE.
As soon as I got home I headed right up to the barn. Jack and Jace were busy playing with the whips again. Whips are so fascinating for little boys.  Ronnie, Taunya's dad was here so he put Abe down for a nap in the apartment while I took the boys over to great grandma's house to play with her toys.
When Taunya got home she offered to help get Coke covered by Valiant. She held the twitch and I handled the stallion and all went perfectly.  I may need to put her on payroll...that means buy her a shirt and give her ice cream. 
Later Ronnie picked up pizza from Casey's for our dinner then we went out to work. I mowed the yards while Mark worked on the camping trailer.

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