The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, July 5, 2018

4.2 Inches of Rain

We had a warm start to the day that just got hotter as the day went on. By this afternoon it was 93 degrees with a real feel of 108 degrees. Lily needed to be covered today but it was so hot I decided to wait until tonight. The last few touches were done on the apartment before the guests moved in this afternoon. Both the barn and the apartment's air conditioner were turned on to cool both down. The horses needed to be hosed down to cool off and all were glad to stand in line for that job. Roxanne was taken to the outdoor for a few pictures to update the website. She is due in a couple weeks and we needed some 2018 pictures of her.
Roxanne has big open movement and the mega hair gene. We are hoping this foal is by Evan but there is a slight chance that it could be Valiant's so we will need to get this foal named, registered and DNA'D right after birth.  
Amy called around 3:30 pm to tell me about how well her new mare Belle did at the Jane Bartle clinic this weekend and mentioned we had some dark clouds our way. We really didn't expect any rain and the clouds were moving south of us so thought the entire storm missed us. Well I was wrong by 4:00 pm the rain was coming down hard.  Mark sat in his car waiting for the rain to slow down a bit but it didn't happen so he had to run in and got soaked just running from the drive to the house.
 The rain was coming down in sheets. 
A couple hours after the rain started it stopped and left 4.2 inches of water in the rain gauge. We could hardly believe that much rain fell so quickly.  There are flash flood warnings for our area.  The guests are high and dry in the apartment. One lady drove all the way from Texas with 9 Border Collies and the other lady drove from Ohio with 4 Border Collies.  The dogs are going to be at the Sheep Dog Trials at Three Sister's Park Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They were very grateful for the use of the stalls and were thrilled with how roomy the apartment is.  
Our pond is full and the over flow is pouring out. The creeks are overflowing, but the fields all sure got a good drenching drink and we are thankful.  Diane and Mike are heading to the Goose Ranch this evening for the Gospel cruise. Mike Meister is taking his guitar out on the new pontoon boat and will be singing for his supper tonight.  They will spend the night at Middle Grove after the cruise.  

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