The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Too Hot to Swim

We had another hot day today. Thankfully all the horse stuff was done early morning. The mares were teased around 6:30 am. Jenis was still in and covered by Evan. Sangria is now out. When Karin arrived we teased Lily, she showed and was covered by Valiant. Karin and Kayla took Sangria and Jenis out on the trails but this was just a walk ride as even early this morning it was hot and humid.

Mark left with the truck to pick up 3 sheets of foam insulation then stopped and cleaned the shop area up. He was dripping wet by the time he got back.  After Karin and Kayla left for the ride I cleaned the barn then worked on Roxanne's mane, getting the tangles out and getting her all  ready for pictures once her foal comes. She is due in about 3 weeks.  She was also hosed down well to help cool her off.  When the riders came back Jenis and Sangria were also hosed down, and fly sprayed.  We had a high of just 93 degrees but the real feel was 108 pretty much all day.  It was even too hot to swim. No one wanted to work outside.  Fedi and Spark worked on putting mom's new sliding glass door in. It was so hot they put up a canvas to try to keep the air conditioning inside after they took the old door out and were working on putting the new one in. The canvas worked pretty well until Fedi accidentally put a big hole in the canvas.  Joan, Sarah, Rhonda, mom and I played games for the evening inside. Fedi and Spark finished installing the door about the time we were almost finished with the game. Rhonda and Joan were neck and neck through out the entire game changing leads almost each time but the last hand Rhonda lost by over a hundred points. She still came in second though. Mom came in 3rd, Sarah 4th and I was last by a LOT almost breaking 500.
Mark got the mowing done around the arena this evening.  Hard to believe today is the last day of June. Time is flying by. Rhoda and Lee took Iris home today from the hospital. Rhoda sent the picture below.  We just had to laugh. This needs a caption like..."my parents have no idea what I just did in my diaper!"

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