The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, March 1, 2018


We almost lost Emma today, it was literally a shocking experience. It was raining quite hard when we got up and knowing we needed to load 10 horses today as soon as the rain lightened to a drizzle I went out to start bringing mares into the indoor. When Karin arrived all were in, but I still needed to put a halter on Darla. I had just walked into the stall to do that job when I heard a terrible screaming coming from Karin and a dog. I started running to find out what was happening as Karin is screaming, "Emma's getting electrocuted!" My first thought was she can't be, there is no electric fence there but I kept running. Emma was laying on the rubber pad where the shed had been and the rain coming down on electric service that was still in the ground from the shed must have broken causing an electrical charge slamming into Emma. She was laying flat on her side, jerking and seizing up but screaming as it was happening. Mark came running and reached down to just grab her collar to pull her off the pad but he was only partially successful when the collar came off Emma. I grabbed both her front legs to pull, just hoping I would not be shocked and was able to get her off the pad. We couldn't believe she was alive. When I reached down to grab her, her entire body stiffened like she had just died. When she was able to stand, my knees got weak. She was shook up but so were we. I took her down to the house and left her inside with Ebby, then went back up to the barn to help Karin load. We were able to stuff the 5 fatties in the 4 horse Kiefur built trailer. Ayanna, Rosalie, Anna, Indy and Galena. When I say stuff that was exactly what we did, she pushed and shoved and were relieved when we got the door shut. The next 5 weren't that hard. We put Evan in the front with the divider then Zalena, Jenis, Oksana and Darla. That trailer had plenty of room even though it is a smaller Exiss 4 horse. We may need to switch it up a bit on the way home.
The bathing went great. Rhoda came down and bathed Jenis and the hard one, Galena. It took her 3 times of shampooing with that whitening shampoo to get Galena's white spots white.
Shaeya and Karin got all the rest of the mares plus Evan bathed.

 Below Evan is all cleaned and ready to go back into his stall.

 Check out how white those white spots are below.

 Even her FEATHER is white.
We put the horses away, topped up water buckets, gave them some hay and left the fairgrounds for lunch at 1:00 pm. considering we got down here just before 10:00 am we were very pleased to have 10 horses bathed in 3 hours. We drove to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch and I would not recommend that. We bought the lunch special which was suppose to take 15 minutes but 30 minutes later we were still waiting. Rhoda finally asked our waitress to go check on our food, she brought it back but mine was cold. From there we drove to the hotel and could hardly wait to get into that hot tub. Oh did that feel good, we were wet and cold from all the horse bathing.
I finally got around to downloading the pictures of Valiant yesterday with Emily.
If you would like to see the rest of those click HERE.  Amy Koch arrived at the Fair with her two minis and got just Mocha bathed. It is getting late so she will bathe Mocha's daughter tomorrow. We will wait to go to supper when she gets to the hotel. The best news for us right now is that Amy is going to throw hay in for all of ours before coming. I won't have to drive back to the fairgrounds tonight. Although she sent the picture below with the text Darla 1 bucket 0.
Rachel posted the picture below, she took this with her phone camera of all the empty paddocks at Horsemeister. 

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