The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Importance of Words

Last night I wrote on the blog about Marika waxing. On our walk today Joan got a text from her very good friend Kathy who wrote," I found out it is VERY important to type in pregnant mare when googling waxing."  I'm so old school that I was wondering why images of a lady waxing a kitchen floor would be risque until they explained what other meaning waxing has. 
Well today I have two mares waxing. Galena also started today.
It isn't much, just a few drops on each teat but this will be Galena's first foal so no taking chances she will deliver outside. We don't want to risk Galena rejecting the foal so from now on she must be stalled. She is a huge mare and eats a lot, so much that it comes out the overflow on the other end which must be scooped out every few hours to keep that stall pristine for the coming foal. We are anxious to see what Galena throws, just maybe we will get spots.
I spent the morning in down town Peoria at the Federal court house. I sat right next to Cassie, Earl Ringger's daughter and we had a good visit while waiting for the case to come up which was then continued for 90 days. Typical courts. 
On the way home I had to stop at Meisters as they needed a copy of my drivers license and just as I was walking into the shop door my phone went off. It was Mark asking me to come to Meisters so they could get a copy of my drivers license. How is that for a quick response.
Rebecca, Rosalie's filly's new owner was here at the farm playing with her filly which is now officially named Claire. She had haltered her, picked up her hooves and gave her lots of good instructions. It was hard for Rebecca to say goodbye to Claire to travel home to Georgia.
The first group left this afternoon for Gulf Shores taking the big van with 10 people including the Sauders, Karin, Sarah & Nolan, Zion, Jessica and Anni. Mom is spending the night at Dan and Susan's house tonight, they will leave early in the morning for their trip to Gulf Shores. Mike and Diane also leave Friday morning. David, Stephanie, Israel and Elisabet are leaving early Saturday morning for Gulf Shores.  Phil and Anna and the girls are already on their way to Dallas to visit Ben, Tauyna, Addyson, Jake, Jace and Abe. It's going to be pretty dead around here over Easter.

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