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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Horsemeister Play Practice

We had an awesome day in the Peoria church today. Mike Kaisner had the morning service reading first in 1Kings 13 where the prophet told Jeroboam that a child would be born named Josiah and he would burn the bones of the false prophets more than 300 years before Josiah was born and then in 2 Chronicles where the prophecy came true.
This afternoon Greg Rumbold had the message reading in James, the no root no fruit chapter. You know James 2.  How important IS it for a Christian to have fruit that actually shows? It is true one can proclaim over and over they are a Christian but if there is nothing to show from a Christian's life are they? That chapter convicts me each time I read it.
After church was the first of 2018 Horsemeister's play practice. The first practice is always without horses, each part is walked through in Fedi and Ruth's living room.

This year we are performing a longer play than previous years. Rebekah has worked hard on the play and practice was going well. Anni is working on costumes.  While there Fedi took me out to his shop to show me the progress on the Eclipse horse trailer. He has taken the entire back door off.
 Below he is showing me the door and how the slider will work. 
 He is replacing those little rollers with the big rollers, which have ball bearings and will roll much smoother. We are also getting new tracks both top and bottom making it impossible for the door to accidentally fall off. The trailer makers would do well to use Fedi's design. 
Lots of ice skating went on at the lake today. Hopefully someone will send pictures, I wasn't there as I went to the Ruth's to watch the play.
A very nice text came through on Jewel's 2016 filly by Evan. The owner writes: Hey Judy, I just thought you'd like to see Riata's first time with a saddle on! She'll be two in July, so we are doing things VERY slow, but she loves the attention from our little ten minute work sessions so much it was hard to resist seeing what she would do with a saddle!  She is SO SMART! There won't be any riding for another year or more, but it's fun to mess with the babies as smart and willing as her!
I could see the video but was not able to share it here. Riata looks LOVELY and that saddle doesn't seem to bother her at all.
Rhoda sent some pictures of their Hawaii trip. Today they hiked!

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