The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, November 26, 2017


We had another beautiful November day, with sunshine and highs in the 50s. How amazing is that for the end of November?  Mark was still coughing badly so didn't go to church today. Instead it was just mom and me for the drive in. Tim Funk announced our new minister today, the church was asked to pray and fast and without talking to anyone write down and mail in a ballot and Mike Kaisner was chosen. We will for sure be praying for Mike and Mindy and thankful they are willing to serve.
Karin picked up Nancy this afternoon, and had Nancy help bring Sally and Eli into the stall, fed them then groomed both up. Eli's owner said they were coming to look at him today but never made it. I took them both out around 3:00 pm after trying to contact them but not getting any answer. This evening was the Sauder's traditional Christmas singing around the manger scene. Nancy LOVED this, she knows all the words to most of the Christmas carols and sings them at full volume.
 See that hand sticking up, that's Nancy's hand, she knows all the moves.

Rachel always serves lots and lots of goodies afterwards. We had a few Christmas cookies, a buckeye or two, some delicious eggnog then took Nancy home to Morton. On the way home took a call from a lady wanting to buy Envy. She is from Washington State, right near the border of Oregon. 
She is mailing the check this week but Envy won't be leaving until January 2018. I won't actually mark her sold until the check comes. Mike and Diane made it home tonight from Gulf Shores, Alabama. Diane called for us to send Ebby home but she wasn't here. Ebby is probably over visiting at mom's.

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