The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, November 6, 2017

Rosaleigh's First Trail Ride

We had a cold start to the morning, I was glad Mark had a fire going in the wood burner before he left for work. After the walk I ran to Sam's Club and bought a big prime rib for Christmas dinner. I know Thanksgiving comes first but this was the first I've seen their prime rib offered for a while. It was taken home and frozen.
Rhoda arrived a little later today as she was going to stay late this evening.  Sarah arrived with Rizzy and her 3 week old Cavapoo puppies. We wanted to get updated pictures of the pups for the website. There are 2 still available from this litter, both females. They are for sale for $1200.00 and SO adorable. This little darling is one of the females still for sale. She is marked beautifully.

We took quite a few pictures of the puppies. If you would like to see the pictures click HERE. Rhoda also brought Ruby and her 3 Pugapoo puppies. These puppies are older and are all sold. I'm pretty sure they will start leaving for the new homes the end of this week or next week. Emma wasn't so sure she liked these puppies. They were fascinated by her and followed her around. 

To see pictures of the rest of Ruby's puppies click HERE
Emily arrived so of course we put her right to work. 
The first thing we needed to do was to tease Foxy. She is starting to show but not yet ready to stand. Hopefully tomorrow we can get her covered. Next we needed to move a round bale into the middle paddock.  Emily and Rhoda decided to take Indy and Rosaleigh on the 'death trails' today. This is Rosaleigh's first time to be ridden out of the round pen. Rhoda worked her first in the round pen then had Emily bring Indy into the round pen and lead them around. From there they graduated to the outdoor arena. 

 When Karin arrived after work, she rode Galena and joined them on the trail ride. 
 Karin saw a couple of big deer running through the field. Where was Nolan when we needed him? We could have had fresh venison. Both looked well fed with plenty of meat. I didn't have the zoom lens on so of course couldn't get a good picture. 
Below the horses are heading to the trails
I was just too cold to stay out and take pictures but Rhoda reported Rosaleigh did very well on the trails. Rhoda and Emily came in for some supper but Karin had to leave for the library so missed supper. I'm really tired today and will need to head to bed soon. Saturday night with the time change all the clocks were changed except the alarm clock in the bedroom. I figured that one could be done later. Last night I woke up looked at the clock which was reading 4:30 am. Mark was already up and  I thought, "it is an hour off, I bet the coffee is done" got out of bed, walked to the coffee pot and without looking at the pot and asked Mark if he would like a cup of coffee. He exclaimed, "it's ONLY 3:30 in the morning!" Good grief, I went the wrong direction in my early morning figuring. Tonight that clock will be changed to the right time. 

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