The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

More Puppy Pictures

We had lots to discuss on the walk this morning, so much that I was almost late getting to the Berean office. Cindy, Bill, Robin and I had no problem getting out the 97 Bibles by 10:00 am. When I got home Rhoda was just pulling out with the new trailer loaded with Galena and Rosaleigh. She was taking them to Jubilee State Park for Rosaleigh's first off farm trail ride.
 Sarah arrived with Arrieta, her puppies and of course Zion. We worked on getting updated puppy pictures for the website. 
 Sarah has just one Maltipoo puppy left, the apricot female pictured below. 
 If you would like to see the rest of the puppy pictures click HERE. As long as I was taking pictures of babies, I HAD to take a few pictures of baby Zion. She is just over a month and is just 1 ounce shy of 9 pounds. 

 She was smiling so cute as I was holding her on my lap but when the camera came out She got all serious. Sarah left just before Rhoda made it home with the horses. She reported they were very well behaved.
 She was able to get one picture of the trip. 
Thanks to whoever took that for her. Rosaleigh is going to make a nice riding mare for next year. She is learning to plow through the creeks without hesitating and is willing to go forward off voice and leg aids. Galena has given up on trying to buck anyone off. Both of these mares got a valuable, good workout today. The trailer worked out fine except the tack room door wasn't locked when she drove off and it popped open. Thankfully there was no tack inside as all the tack was on the horses. Tomorrow Foxy has a vet appointment and I don't want Rhoda to have to drive in just for that so we practiced loading Foxy over and over in the small trailer. She really was about perfect so hopefully I can do this myself tomorrow. It wasn't as cold today, the high still only reached into the 40's but the sun was out and there was hardly any breeze. I still didn't want to be outside and spent a lot of the afternoon in by the fire reading. Tonight we had church at the fellowship hall. Mark drove mom and me. We had a visiting minister from Roanoke and he gave such a wonderful message on the book of Jude, mom wanted to clap when he finished. No REALLY she really did want to clap. We weren't the last to leave the fellowship hall tonight but there wasn't too many people left by the time we dragged ourselves away. 

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