The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Dead, Really Dead

We had another warm day. I was so organized this morning loading my car with everything that was needed at the Berean office before the walk. Diane brought Ruth, Joan and I all bags of pine cones from Gulf Shores. We looked at them and asked her, "what are we suppose to DO with them?"  Diane replied, "use them for decorating your house for Christmas." We stopped at Rhonda's house to drop off a bag for her and noticed Diane didn't give Rhonda any instructions for the use of the pinecones like she did Ruth, Joan and I. We all laughed when Diane told us, Rhonda doesn't need instructions on decorating. After the first round I quit to head to the Berean office except the car was dead, really dead. Mom was also going this morning so we car pooled and took her car. If you would like to read about our morning there click HERE.
On the way home mom wanted to stop at the CU 24 to transfer from her savings to her checking and after getting that done she made the comment, "now the only thing I'm waiting to get my Christmas cards out is the mailing labels but Diane is so swamped at work I really shouldn't push her to get them done." What she didn't know was Diane had sent a text earlier that I should stop by her office on the way home from Berean to pick up mom's mailing labels. So just as mom finished making that comment I pulled into the parking lot at Mike and Diane's office. Mom asked, "what are we doing here?" and was shocked when I told her, "picking up your mailing labels."  We had a good laugh.
Rhoda came late today and when Karin arrived after work the two of them took Jenis and Roxanne out on the trails again followed by 3 dogs, Ruby, Bo and Ebby.
Rhoda wanted to canter Roxanne in the big field instead of just the round pen or arena.
 They do this exercise of having one horse stand in the middle while the other canters around first one direction then the other. It is good for both the mare that needs to stand quietly and for the mare that is expected to canter without bolting home. 
 Below they are coming up toward the barn after a very successful ride. 
Next out was big Rosalie and Indy.
 Rosalie at 4 years old is now taller than Indy who used to be our tallest Friesian mare. 
What Rosalie didn't like was arena work. She was not happy and both Rhoda and Karin were thinking maybe the saddle was pinching her or the girth. Rosalie kept swishing her tail and kicking out. Karin got off and checked the saddle but all seemed well. They finally just decided to take the horses out on the trails and see if she would still act up. Nope Rosalie was PERFECT on the trails. The last time in the outdoor arena Karin was working on leg yields with her and she did not like it. She remembered that and decided she doesn't want to work in that place any more. Karin is going to change up her training plans for Rosalie. We want to keep her sweet. Below are a few pictures from the trail ride.

 They had to make this a short ride as they were running out of daylight. Below Valiant heard them coming from the cabin lane and came trotting up to greet the mares. 
They took Indy and Rosalie out behind the outdoor for a little canter work but it was now too dark for the camera to focus. Thankful the weather is holding for all of this outdoor training of the horses but the short days really cut into the training time.  If you would like to see the rest of the pictures from today click HERE
Mark got home from work and put a charger on the car. Hopefully tomorrow it will work. We had the last of the turkey, dressing and cranberry salad for dinner tonight. 

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