The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, November 16, 2017


It was cold today but the sun was shining. After the walk I drove to Aldi in Pekin to pick up a few groceries, over $150.00 worth of groceries but that included two 21 pound Butterball turkeys for Thanksgiving, most of the food for potluck tomorrow and food for the Texas Sceggels which will be arriving early tomorrow morning.
Joan dropped off Faith Mackenson and Berlica right after lunch. They had fun building with the blocks.

 I would say Emma enjoyed watching too but by looking at her expression that probably wouldn't be the truth. Emma thought the entire process of building and knocking down was confusing. 
If you would like to see the rest of the pictures click HERE
Mark got home from work early and offered to go with me to haul the two turkeys over to Diane's house. She has an extra fridge in her basement where they can stay until Wednesday slowly defrosting. This evening Anna and Phil dropped off the girls so they could go out on a date. Those blocks were again the hit of the evening.

To see the rest of the girls with the blocks click HERE. I asked for blocks for Christmas years ago and I've always appreciated this gift.  When we were growing up at Baer in Pleasant Home we kids (all 11 of us) spent hours with blocks dad made for us one year for Christmas. 
Karin arrived to work horses after her work was done today but it was too late and too cold for me to head out to take pictures. I'm pretty sure though she worked with Indy and Oksana.
Those two mares will be 2 of the canter horses in the spring show so Karin is giving them lots of canter time, getting them fit and teaching them to neck rein. These two mares are half sisters, both by Raven. They are both sweet kind mares, both big and impressive AND both are athletic with great movement. I'm sure thankful today for the wood burner. Mark hauled in a big load of wood today and that wood burner was kept burning all day heating the house to a comfortable 75 degrees. I sure feel spoiled to think it is comfortable enough to wear a t-shirt in the house when it is below freezing outside. Yep spoiled.

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