The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Another Pick-Up

This morning the world was gray. We seemed to be sitting in the middle of a November cloud. We still walked, the weather was much warmer than yesterday but the drizzle made it feel cold. I took a call from a lady that would like to see Easter Bonnet. Since I'd planned on heading to Middle Grove to pick up Foxy I just decided to bring her home too.
Dan stopped by after lunch and checked out the Eclipse trailer and gave me a good idea on how to secure the back door. He has an amazing mind, is able to look at something and come up with the answer quickly.
The propane truck came today, first heading to mom's and filling her tank then it seemed like he went over to Diane's then backed all the way up the drive to our place and filled both of our tanks.
The weather hadn't improved as I was driving to Middle Grove. When I arrived the ground was checked and it still felt firm enough to drive in and then came that long hike to find the herd. The fog was so thick sound was muffled and it was hard to find the horses.
The horses were spread out all over and it took a while to find the 2 horses needed.  Easter Bonnet was haltered first then Foxy and both were good. As soon as I got home these two were de-wormed. Foxy with Strongid and Easter Bonnet with a half tube of Quest Plus. Foxy was teased but she was a no show. The picture below was taken yesterday, Foxy would be due April 21st and Hadassah is due March 24th. We believe she lost her foal as she is thinner than she was last month.  I was hoping she was actually coming into season yesterday.
But today she screamed at Evan striking out. She was put in the paddock with Easter Lilly in hopes she will show soon except Easter Lilly decided she hates Foxy, pinned her against the gate and started kicking. That meant Easter Lilly had to be moved and moved quickly. She was put into Ribbon's old paddock where she walked over towards Valiant's paddock and showed. She was covered yesterday but at least it is obvious she is still in. She will need to be checked tomorrow.
Easter Bonnet was put in with Bethany and both fillies were thrilled to see each other.
This is such a nice filly, she is tall, well built and so very friendly. Rhoda said who ever comes to look at her will for sure buy her, she is just that nice. I meant to call the vet clinic today to schedule an ultrasound for Foxy but instead got company. Spark and Rhonda came bearing gifts. Dinner for Mark and I. Rhonda made potato soup, a nice salad, a wonderful sweet bread and dessert. We visited until just before Mark got home from work and both of us enjoyed the dinner. After supper Mark helped move a round bale in for Easter Lilly then Galena and Anna were moved in with her. I stayed and watched to make sure Easter Lilly wouldn't pick on them like she did Foxy but all seemed well.
Mark is spending this pitch black evening up in the barn working on his lawn mower getting it ready for the winter. I finished another book from Eunice and will start another in a few minutes. Even though it isn't terribly cold the wood burner was turned on and the warmth enjoyed as books are read. Sure am thankful for good books and wonderful heat.

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