The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, September 14, 2017

2 Days Old

Mark took my car to work today and Emily took the truck and trailer to Missouri to deliver Apollo to his new owner so I spent the day doing laundry, taking care of the horses and moving bales.
Mike came up at 1:00 pm to help cover Jazz by Valiant then held Roxanne's colt for his shot. Yesterday he was given the second Exceed shot in his right hip and today he was lame on that hip. He is for sure having a reaction to the Exceed. The first shot was given in his neck by Dr. Hoerr and that swelled up pretty bad but by yesterday it was looking fine. He still needs a shot of Gentamicin every day for the next 7 days. He is breathing much better. This afternoon Oksana and her filly were taken outside for a few pictures.

Oksana is the most relaxed mother we have ever had. She is perfectly content to have her filly in the same paddock as Sangria. Check out that baby bump in the pictures below.

Sangria is actually due today but she is not going to have this foal today. Her udder is still as flat as a pancake. I've been checking her udder just hoping it will start to fill and we can get this show on the road. It was too hot outside this afternoon to leave Oksana and her filly out. These young black foals cannot regulate their internal thermometer and can easily over heat.
Emily made it back from Missouri this evening and helped bring them both outside for the evening. We spent some time watching that filly gallop around the paddock. They will be fine outside tonight and will be brought back in before the heat of the day tomorrow.

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