The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Big Eclipse

Diane and Mike are in Gulf Shores, AL and Joan couldn't come for the walk as she needed to be at the funeral early. We only had 3 of us walking today, Ruth, mom and I.
As soon as we finished, Hoerr vet clinic was called to ask what time Dr. Hoerr was due to come here. Chris told me probably around 10:00-10:45 am. Anna was asked if she would come help with that visit since I'm not suppose to be doing anything. She arrived before 10:00 bringing Kensley and Taegan.  We were having a decent rain, for the first time in about a month, so the girls played inside while we were waiting for Dr. Hoerr. At noon we got on the internet to see if the west coast had any thing published on the eclipse and were able to watch a video. Below are a few pictures of the eclipse taken by Nasa .
 The video was even more impressive watching as the ring around the moon became a diamond ring. 
 1:00 pm the clouds broke up and the sun came out.  We took the golf cart up to the barn to see if by chance Mark had a welding mask so we could watch the eclipse in real life, but if he did have one we couldn't find it. We drove over to mom's house to look in her garage as I remember dad having one when I was a child but again no luck. I looked across the lake and there was Rachel with 2 of her boys watching the sun. They had those special glasses. We kind of invited ourselves over and were very thankful they were willing to share. All of us got a chance to see this rare phenomena. Rachel had her camera out and was taking pictures of it by using the glasses.
She had Luke holding the glasses on the lens as she focused the camera. David and Anna were talking about how dramatically the temperature dropped all at once and how the daylight turned into twilight. 
The pictures below are what Rachel took and posted on Facebook.

Pretty impressive for Illinois.
The girls were getting tired and there was no sign of Dr. Hoerr arriving after the eclipse was over so I told Anna I would find someone else to help with the vet visit. She had waited here for almost 4 hours. Dr. Hoerr finally sent a text around 3:00 pm that he was on the way. Rachel was called but she was in Hanna City. She sent Luke to help with the vet. Below he is holding the iodine scrub for Dr. Hoerr. 
Flynn got a microchip today. His owner is registering him with IFSHA and they require a microchip. Flynn is already registered and DNA'D with FHHI so he will now be double registered. 
Next up was Indy's ultrasound. Below is the embryonic vesicle. She is 15 days along. Isn't it amazing how quickly a mare can be confirmed in foal but with dogs it takes about 45 days. Indy was bred to Evan and is due July 15th, 2018
The last mare to be looked at was Whitney. She is leaving for her new home this coming weekend and needed a health certificate for travel. She passed her exam with flying colors. 
Tonight I worked on a new recipe to serve the Berean workers tomorrow. Mark and I both had some for supper and we liked it, hope they do too. 
The picture of the eclipse below was also taken by Nasa in space, this one is the best I've seen on the internet so far. 
Thankful the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth gave us this gift today.  Just amazing. 

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