The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, April 6, 2017


We had SUNSHINE for the first time in what seems like months but probably was just a few weeks. It was cold today but the sunshine makes all the difference in attitude. This morning Anna and Zalena were out in the yard. They had taken the indoor arena gate off the hinge. Anna is now in her foal heat. It was a good thing I went out early to feed, I had plenty of time to get them in before our walk.
We all quit after one round, Ruth had to leave for work a little early, Diane had a plumber coming at 8:00 am and I needed to get the Berean mail at TEMCO. To read about our morning at Berean click HERE. I rushed home today as Rhoda was coming to help move Ayanna and Whitney to Middle Grove and pick up Lola, Star and Soul. She was already here when I arrived so we loaded up the two mares and took off early. Below is Whitney taking off at a gallop to find the herd at Middle Grove.
 Rhoda and I had quite a walk to find the herd. They were about as far from the road as possible, we came up over the hill and there they were spread out enjoying the sunshine.
 The mares we wanted to bring home were haltered and then we started that long walk back. We stopped at Bs for lunch. Once home Lola and Star were put in the middle paddock while Soul was taken into a stall to get the tangles out of her mane. Emily was here and came up to help. All three of us looked at Soul and are suspicious that she may not be pregnant. Again she is fat but not round where she should be round. She isn't due until April 21st. Lola and Star are very obviously pregnant. Once Soul's mane was finished she was put in the paddock with Zalena. Hadassah's filly was given her last two shots then taken to the outdoor arena to get a few pictures for the website. She is just 5 days old today and is feeling so good she was bouncing off the walls in the stall. When they were turned out she wanted to run and run and run.
 Anna and her filly were turned out for a bit also. Below is Anna's filly at 9 days old. 
Nolan came this afternoon to take the puppies to the vet for the dew claw removal. Emily went along to help. The puppies are gaining well and so cute. At one point all of the puppies were spoken for but 2 of the people have not made arrangements to send the deposit so technically we still have one female and the male left. Speaking of puppies Rhoda brought Ruby today, she and Ebby had so much fun playing together.

This evening Valiant broke out of his paddock and went galloping around the field. Mike was called to repair two broken boards and figure out what happened with the electric fence. Sure enough the electric fence had malfunctioned. Leave it up to Valiant to figure that out. By the time Mike left the boards were replaced and both Valiant's and Evan's electric fence were working. We decided to buy the solar electric fence charger, it packs a bigger wallop and is more dependable than the cheap ones we are currently using.

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