The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, April 21, 2017

So Very Tired

This morning was spent running back and forth between the barn and the house. At noon I picked up mom and we met Joan at the fellowship hall where we worked on the center pieces for the benefit dinner. While we were there Dean and Bill were working on the prime rib. Now that is a sight to be seen. Big huge hunks of beef and not just any beef but the most tender of cuts.

Dean seasons this to absolute perfection. Holly was working on bacon and driving us poor flower workers crazy with that wonderful smell. We finished up the flowers around 3:00 pm. Joan took mom home and I ran to Aldi to buy the vegetables for tonight's potluck held at Verle and Vonnie Kieser's house. Rotating potluck is such a blessing. We were joined by Cleve and Kathleen, Harold and Imogene, Carolyn,  and Barb. Mark said this was the best meal he has eaten in a long time. These women can COOK! Honestly though the fellowship is even better than the food. Since I had been up most of the night we left for home around 8:00 pm. A text came through from Rachel that a black mare with a silver foal was out but they got her in the indoor arena and fixed the gate which had been taken off the hinge. When we got home all was well, Rachel had a ladder across the gate securing it so there was no way this would happen tonight. The 2 new foals were checked and their umbilical cords iodined again. The mares were fed, watered and the stalls cleaned and NOW my bed awaits.

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