The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Resurrection Day

Today is Resurrection Day otherwise known as Easter. One of our friends saw the picture of Lola's brand new filly at the sunrise service and said we should name her Easter Bonnet. That fits pretty well as the names this year need to start with D E or F. She is such a bonny filly.

We had a wonderful morning at the Fellowship Hall. A good breakfast, beautiful music and a message by Mike Kaisner. Greg Rumbold had the service at church.
After church we met at mom's for an Easter Feast. It really was a feast, Mark grilled steak, that was served with empty tomb rolls, salad made with mom's home grown lettuce, buttered sauteed mushrooms, sauteed onions, deviled eggs, and sweet potatoes with Easter candy for dessert.
After dinner the mares were checked and none of the udders are showing signs that we will have a foal tonight. The big news here is that Soul's udder is filling which means she IS pregnant. Soul was the mare I just wasn't sure. She looked fat but her udder was flat. She is due April 21st but went late last year.
I downloaded the video from this morning's birth. It wasn't the best, I was trying to hold the light and the camera as Karin didn't quite make it in time.
Ruth and Fedi had company from Canada, Anni brought them over to see the new filly and to ride Jenis but no pictures, I was taking Nancy home as it was after 5:00 pm and she was tired. They had a big group of volleyball players tonight but I was really too tired to watch and I still needed to prepare stalls for the night. Mike came over and fixed Evan's electric fence then repaired the fence at the cabin. Tomorrow Karin and I will move Anna, Hadassah and their two fillies to the cabin field.
This evening we played games at mom's until bedtime.

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