The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Puppy Pictures

No walk for me today, yesterday was too busy to go buy groceries so I left early for the Berean office to give me time to stop at Sam's Club for much needed food. We had another good day at Berean. To read about our morning there click HERE. While there a phone call came in from someone wanting puppy pictures which were promised by  tonight. Hoerr vet clinic called to say I needed to come in for antibiotics for Hadassah's filly so as soon as the Berean work was done I drove to the shop, paid the first of the month bills 4 days late then drove to Morton to pick up the meds for the filly. While there Sarah Reinhard called to ask if I would let Molly out when I get back. Mom, Joan and the kids are all in Branson, MO to see the play 'Moses'. After Molly was let out and the two dogs at my place I drove up to the barn and gave Hadassah's filly a shot. She wasn't happy about that but she is going to have to get used to that. She has to have 3 more shots. We give those in the horses bottom so she is going to have a sore bottom by the time this week is over. After the stalls were cleaned and the horses fed I came down to play with the puppies a bit.
Anna, Braelyn and Kensley came over to play too and held the puppies for some pictures of them for the website.
 Above Braelyn is holding the spotted female while Kensley holds the male puppy. 
 Anna is holding one of the twin puppies. 
Sarah has had a lot of interest in the puppies and I believe 2 of them are already sold. The deposit check is in the mail for one of the twins and we have a lady coming on Saturday to put a deposit down on another female. That leaves 2 females and the male left to sell. Not bad for just one day old puppies. I have to head back up to the barn to take care of Hadassah one more time then will probably go to bed early.

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