The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Haltering Class

For the last two days I have been the only human on the walk, not that I don't have company on that walk. On Wednesday I was joined by 4 dogs. Studly, Emma, Ebby and Rizzy love going on this walk.
Sarah picked Rizzy and her puppies up Wednesday evening so this morning there were only 3 dogs joining me. I must confess to only doing one round as today is Berean day. To read about our surprise there click HERE. This week 160 Bibles were mailed out. After they were dropped off at the Bartonville post office I drove straight home to start work here. Today Anna's filly and Hadassah's filly were brought in to introduce them to the halter. Anna's filly is 16 days old today and I really should have started earlier with her but thankfully I spent so much time on imprinting and rubbing her face all over there was not much fight at all with her. She and Anna were taken to the outdoor arena for a few pictures for the website.
 She is such a fancy stepper. Above she is getting air time with all four hooves quite far off the ground and below she is just showing off. Check out how high she lifts those legs.
 She is for sale for only $8000.00 and can be reserved with a deposit of $500.00 then regular payments until weaning. She will be registered and DNA'D with Friesian Heritage Horse International as soon as she is named. Names this year must start with D E or F so feel free to make suggestions. Hadassah's filly was a little harder, she had to have so many shots for that infection that she is kind of scared of us humans.  Today was a good time to work on tying. Hadassah is still in season and there is just no one around to help. Soul was moved out of her paddock into the round pen as her paddock is right in front of Evan's breeding stand. Hadassah's filly was tied in the stall, then tied outside the stall under supervision. When she finally realized fighting the rope wasn't going to help she was tied next to the breeding stand in front of Hadassah.
Hadassah stood well for Evan today and the filly stood perfect. Before they were put back another round bale was put in the middle paddock which opens up to the pond pasture. They can go out to eat grass when ever they want but we still like to offer a good quality round bale 24 hours a day. Evan was taken into the stall as his paddock also needed another round bale. Ribbon's old paddock was also given a round bale then Jenis and Eliza moved off the back pasture and put back in that paddock. The grass just needs more time to grow before I can use that field more than a few days. At least some of the mud has dried up. After Soul and Evan were moved back to their paddocks, Tory was taken over to Evan for teasing. It has been 18 days since she ovulated. No sign of her coming in yet. When I got back to the house the dogs were waiting to be let inside. They were HOT.
The sun is shining brightly and it really is hot on that patio. The sunshine has brought out the flowers. We have tulips blooming. Bright red tulips.

The daffodils are blooming.
The flowering crab tree is blooming.
There is beauty everywhere one looks. After making it through another winter, spring is such a gift. 
Mark is out mowing but came in discouraged, the mower is not running right and keeps dying on him.
That was put away and the road grader taken out for another swipe of the driveways. 

 Zalena was brought in to a stall for the night. There was wax a couple days ago but since then nothing. She has gone early in the past so I won't take a chance on her delivering in a muddy paddock. Lola and Star were left out. Neither mare looks ready to deliver and the night is suppose to be dry.
Mark brought the ladder in and cleaned off the lens for the stall cameras with distilled water and a special microfiber cloth. It worked!
Phil and Anna made it down to Ben and Taunya's house about 8:30 last night. They had one little problem though the next day two of the kids jumped in the pool without their life jackets.
All is good now, these northern kids don't realize that pools can be deep. When Ben was that age he did the very same thing.

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