The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Thursday at the Fair

Karin and I loaded the horses at 7:30 am. We put the 4 biggest mares in the smaller trailer then crammed the other 5 in the other 4 horse trailer. Galena was the last mare in that trailer and Karin pretty much shoved her in with a shoe horn. Karin drove that truck and trailer while I drove the smaller trailer. Rhoda actually beat us down but just by a few minutes, she honked as she flew past just before we turned on to Peoria Rd.
The first order of go after unloading was to start bathing the mares.

 We were thankful for the heater running in this barn, the weather was sunny at first but snow started flying a bit later and chilled everything down. The horses were all comfortable in the heated barn even though they were wet. Karin put up stall guards so they could have their heads hanging out. Most of the mares used that opportunity to push their hay out into our aisle.
 The next two pictures are of the 'cave of wonder'
 this is where the prizes and give-aways are kept but you will need to get past the guard to grab one.
 When everything was finished, Karin and Rhoda tacked up Galena and Rosalie to introduce them to the fairgrounds. Neither of these mares have been here before and both needed to be exposed to the sights and sounds around.  Below they are in the warm-up arena.

The fair organize came and told us they could bring the mares into the livestock arena and the man running the sound system put on the music for the girls. This was perfect to introduce both of these mares to the arena they will be performing in tomorrow afternoon.
 Rosalie was kind of up but soon settled down giving Rhoda a good ride.

 After that the horses were put back, the stalls cleaned, horses fed and off we drove to our hotel. We arrived there around 5:00 pm and hit the hot tub. How wonderful that felt. Amy arrived just before supper and brought down the guard for the 'cave of wonders'. Just wait until you see that guy! After a good FREE dinner at the hotel we went back to our room for dessert. Rhoda brought a home baked apple pie from Erin Funk. Oh my was that delicious.  Below Amy and Rhoda are cutting and dishing out the pie.
That was the perfect ending to a great day. We are heading out to the fair early tomorrow morning..can't wait.

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