The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Talents and Not a Few

Tory was teased and covered this morning. Mike came over to help and it really did take the 2 of us to get that job done. Tory is a maiden mare and just not sure how this covering is suppose to happen. Praying for conception to take place with her as she and Valiant will make something special.
We had a good morning at the Berean office, getting all the Bible labels entered and printed off. There were 4 of us working there, Mary, Carol, Dave and me. I dropped off a load of Bibles at the Bartonville post office and Jake Gerst came out to help. He was one of the pirates at the fair riding Oksana a young 4 year old mare.
 He looked WAY different at his real job. No fancy hat, big jacket or red bandanna. That real job at the post office pays just a little bit better too since there was no plundering going on at the fair. Rachel finished the inside of the new tiny house she was building and posted some pictures of before and after. Below is what the interior used to look like in original camper. The camper was quite old and had a lot of storm damage. Only Rachel saw the potential.

 Rachel took everything off down to the base. 
 Below are the finished pictures. Rachel writes: Now with seating for 8 and lots of storage. Cushions, Metal roof & ceiling, cabinets, wall decorations...all free
 under this bench is a battery and invertor that powers the light, and can also power a laptop, fan, etc. We hope to one day get a solar panel to charge the battery.
 Got this door for free :) Also, I bought a duvet and cut it apart making curtains out of the back of it and cushion covers out of the front of it. Double the fabric for 1/2 the price!
 this tiny home is designed strictly for weekend use so no shower, but we do have this little self contained number
 reused the propane stove and the sink w/pump faucet (no electricity needed) Also if you look closely you can see tap lights under the shelf in case the battery gets low.
Got this 3 way fridge off an online garage sale & the cabinet door is from the original camper! 
 made this table that can seat 6-7, can be folded in half for easy storage. Again tap lights under the ammo cabinet for times without battery power.
 table can also be set up to be used as extra counter space :) I made the shelf out of scrap wood. I didn't want a bunch of cabinets because they are hard to clean out so this was a good option!
 and table can also be folded in half and put down even w/the benches to make a single bed or a lounging couch to relax and watch a movie
 and finally the table also turns the sectional into a queen sized bed....we like everything to be multi-use. These cushions are extra dense so it makes for a very comfortable bed!
 Saw this tiny chandelier for $3 at a garage sale....I had no use for it at the time but I have a policy...never pass up a $3 chandelier...LOVE it in this tiny home
This tiny house is on wheels and be easily moved. So what do you think of her design and labor? Amazing how talented my sisters are, well Rachel and Diane are the 2 sisters that are artsy (they take after mom) Ruth, Joan and I we are hopeless at colors. Thankfully it doesn't matter if we are not talented in art.  Ruth is so good at seeing the best in everyone and is a wonderful encourager. Joan is absolutely the very best teacher ever and can fix or do anything. Beth's talents lie in hospitality but her children are amazingly artsy.  Karin's talent is her amazing instinct for training, and Nancy is too busy remembering names to worry about talent.
Mark drove mom and I to church tonight. Greg Rumbold had the message. Right after church Mark and I went up to the barn to unhook the truck for Philip tomorrow but by the time we got there Philip had already unhooked it and driven it home. Anna's udder was checked but no sign of filling. We have some time yet. 

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