The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, March 24, 2017

80 DEGREES WHAT a Change

Yesterday we just could not warm up, both Mark and I had spent most of the evening working outside and got chilled to the bone. We had a fire going but couldn't seem to stand close enough. Well that sure changed today. We hit 80 degrees and it felt like summer.
Joan gave me a card from Berlica this morning during our walk informing me Berlica told her, "give this to Judy because I love her."  When Joan asked "what about Ruth, Diane and Grandma who will also be on the walk?" Berlica responded, "Well I love them too but don't have time to make more." Yes I felt honored.  Rhoda arrived right at 10:00 am and our visitor Chris had already arrived when and was up at the barn waiting for us. Chris came to learn about Friesians as one day he is going to own one. He wants to buy a foal and trick train it. Evan was pulled out first. He was so low key this morning only bucking a couple times.

I also snapped a few pictures of Chris working with Evan.

To see the rest of those pictures click HERE. Next out was Valiant. No video of that but I took a few pictures. 
To see the rest of Valiant's pictures from today click HERE. As soon as Valiant was put away Rhoda brought out Jenis and Eliza. Chris worked with Eliza then Rhoda took him on a short ride.

To see the rest of those pictures click HERE. By this time we needed to head in for lunch as it was almost 1:00 pm. Chris left for his 3 hour trip home while Rhoda and I headed to the Warehouse for food except the warehouse was closed. Thankfully Casey's had some pizza. After lunch Rhoda brought Tory out.

 Above and Below she is putting weight on Tory's back and expecting her to stand. Tory did very well today but Rhoda is taking the training slow. 
Just as we finished up we saw mom's car coming back from the estate sale she and Ruth went to. We stopped them and they looked very suspicious.
 They were laughing when they told us mom only bought one item. It was a horse statue and only when she walked outside did she realize it was PINK! We decided she should leave it outside and spray paint it black.
Rhoda needed to head for home and I needed to get a little work done IN the house like laundry and dishes. Most of that was done by the time Mark got home. After supper we took a walk first stopping to move Anna into a stall for the night then walked around the neighborhood. Mom was at the pancake supper at Skyline so we headed over toward Joan's and met Faith and Ava first. We saw a light in the woods and followed the smell of a campfire to find Rachel and David enjoying their tiny house.

It was getting too dark for pictures so Rachel went inside and turned the lights on for us.
While we were visiting with them Spark and Rhonda arrived. They too smelled the campfire and came out to visit. We stayed a little long and had to walk home in the dark but what a great day. 

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