The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Pirate Play Practice

Mom wasn't feeling well today so decided to stay home from church. We missed her there. Church was the usual wonderful completion of the day and the fabulous beginning of the week. Thankful God put this amazing institution in place just for me! That sounds like I'm special and yes I am a precious daughter of the KING. Not from birth but He loved me enough to adopt me into His family. You too can join this precious family. If you would like to learn how start by praying, the read His WORD. If you need a Bible, ask. He loves YOU just as much as He loves me.
Karin had the first Pirate Play Practice with the horses this afternoon. We are never sure how this will turn out. Will the riders be able to control their horses enough to do the routine? Will we have someone fall off?  Rebekah Schwind does all the choreograph for the Horsemeister plays and they are always exciting and entertaiing. Below are a few pictures of the very successful afternoon.

If you would like to see the rest of the pictures just click HERE. The play is going to be even more entertaining than last year with lots of sword fighting, action and laughter.
Mike went to Middle Grove this afternoon, opened both gates to the summer pasture, and brought the herd over. They are always glad for new pasture. We can use the summer pasture until the creeks and lakes freeze solid then will have to move them back as the automatic heated electric waterer is in the winter pasture. That is the only pasture with electricity. The weather is predicted to stay mild for at least the next two weeks.

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