The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Palace

This morning Rick Kaisner was visiting from Chicago and opened up to Esther. By the time he was finished we felt we were IN the palace with Esther and King Ahasuerus. We didn't just get one chapter we got the entire story and the subplot of wicked Hammond. This afternoon Mike opened up to Jonah and again we got the entire book from the beginning to the end. Both Esther and Jonah were asked to do something, Esther was reminded she was made queen for such a time as this, while Jonah was told to go to Nineveh but ran, then spent 3 days repenting during those 3 awful days and nights inside the belly of a fish. He did go to that huge city and preached but did not want to see the city saved. God reminded him there were over 600,000 people that could not tell their left hand from their right hand plus much cattle that would all be destroyed if they were not told and did not repent. Those must have been innocent children if they couldn't discern their left from their right hands and those children would have had parents. Exactly how huge was this city?
After church Mark got a fire going and took advantage of the new couch to read in the warm room.
Phil and Anna brought the girls over this evening while they played volley ball. We enjoyed having them. A big pot of chicken and wild rice soup was made for supper. We are having a cold rain this evening and soup hit the spot. The last trip up to the barn to take care of the 2 colts was made at 8:30 pm. This time I took the car and drove it right into the barn to stay dry. They are eating and drinking well and with this weather I'm very glad they are inside.

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