The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Mom's Splinter

Mom had to show all of us walkers the splinter that was pulled out of her hand yesterday.
Can you imagine having that thing in your hand for a month? It was easier to remove than any of us thought it would be. They just made a small slit in her hand, pushed at the base of her thumb and the end out popped at the top making it easy for the surgeon to slide it right out.
I only did one round of walk today so I could get to the Berean office early. It doesn't seem to matter how early, there were still volunteers already there waiting for the mail by the time I arrived. To read about our fun day there click HERE.
As soon as I got home the horses were fed and Ribbon was bathed. She has to be all spiffed up for her trip to the hospital tomorrow morning early. She and her colt were left out to dry in the warm sunshine grazing on the still lush green yard grass. After supper Mark and I went out to check the oil and tire pressure on the truck and trailer for tomorrow's trip and when I went to bring Ribbon in I found her colt was back in the field. I'm not sure how he got back in but he was standing at the gate quietly waiting for someone to let him back out to be with his mom. They were put in the stall for the night. Ribbon is not suppose to eat after midnight. She is not going to be happy with that rule.
Praying all goes well for Ribbon tomorrow. We plan on leaving before 6:00 am.

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