The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Charity Ride for Charity

The weather was deliciously cool and refreshing this morning. The heat and high humidity seems to have taken leave of our area at least for a while. I didn't even have to change my shirt after the walk today before heading to the Berean office. That office was busy today, to read about our work there click HERE. After the Bibles had been dropped off at the post office I stopped at Meisters to pay the first of the month bills. Last evening the vice president of South Side Bank called to report someone had cashed 2 checks from Meisters that were obviously counterfeit totally around $2500.00 They had frozen our accounts so that no checks could be cashed but that meant none could be written either. This morning Mark and Curt went down to the bank a couple times to see what details they could find out. Then they had to close out our account which we have had for 40 years then opening a new account. This meant hundreds of dollars worth of checks needed to be thrown away along with ordering hundreds of dollars worth of new checks. It wasn't enough that the thief got away with $2500.00 it is costing us just to stop this thief. Why do people steal? Why do they work so hard to take money that they haven't earned? The bank worked out something that at least we could pay our bills today.
As soon as I got home from there the mares were turned out into the big field and stalls cleaned.
Rosalie was turned out with them for the first time since her filly was born. She was keeping her pretty far away in the beginning but soon decided they were not a danger. The filly had a ball galloping around her mom.

Emily had cleaned out the short shelter paddock and put in a new round bale and moved all the weanlings into that. She was mowing when I got back from the field. My job was to grade the arena with the tractor then Emily finished the job with the 4 wheeler and rake. We were just finishing up with the arena when Jennifer arrived with her 4 children. Today was the day her daughter Charity was to get a lesson on Jenis. This lesson was donated to the Midwest Food Bank Auction so it was a charity ride for Charity.
To see the rest of the pictures of this ride click HERE. While Charity was riding Jennifer and the boys went over to mom's to feed the fish.
Emily decided that Charity had good balance, good instincts and was talented enough to go out on the trails so she saddled up Anna and off they went on the 'death trails' crossing the creeks and nagivating those huge hills. We finished up this session with a glamour shot, of course all the dresses we had were just too big but this one almost fit.
As we were getting ready for bed a text came in from Jamie, the owner of Dakota. Dakota was bred to Valiant and is due Sept 28th. Jamie sent this picture.
Dakota was definitely waxing so the truck and trailer were taken over to their place at 10:00pm and Dakota loaded up and brought here for delivery. She is not bagged up enough that I think she will go tonight but she is a maiden mare and Jamie does not have a good place for her to deliver.

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