The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, August 5, 2016

Laboring Long

We got over an inch of rain last night! This rain was needed and the fields will take off again but I felt bad for the neighbor who had cut his hay a couple days ago and did not get it up yet. That field looked pretty sad this morning, all those nice rows that use to be bright green now brown and smashed down. I noticed them on the way in to town this morning. The mower tires were dropped off at Riekers this morning and picked up a couple hours later. That mower will easily be able to make the hills. Mark mowed the entire area in about an hour later this evening once the tires were mounted.
Anna dropped off the girls just as I made it home. Braelyn and Taegan played quietly and nicely on the porch while Kensley took a nap.
Cathie Trent brought out a group for swimming today. With her was a couple friends from the past, Susan and Lynn. Funny but when they were headed our way it was cloudy and spitting rain but as soon as they pulled in the drive the sun broke through and stayed out.
 When Kensley awoke we joined them all at mom's beach just as they were getting ready to head back.
 Braelyn caught a bright green grass hopper. She is such a good hunter of toads, frogs and insects. 
 The trampoline was a favorite today. 
 Even Kensley toddled over to climb the ladder. 

  Anna arrived not too much later to take them home. This evening Mark and I took mom's mail over and found her out watering but bleeding from her arm and leg. She was planting flowers on the new landscape tiers, fell from the second tie, rolled down to the third tier rolled off that and slammed into her burning bushes. She was surprised she rolled and felt nothing was broken so just went in and bandaged up the bloody spots then prepared a big meal for Joan and the kids who were just getting home tonight. Nothing keeps our 84 year old mom down long.
We are anxiously waiting an update from  Stephanie and David. Stephanie is in labor and hopefully getting ready to deliver their baby girl soon. She has been laboring most of the day. Thankfully she has the best OB team in the entire Peoria favorite cousin MaryEllen! Stephanie sent the picture. Praying for YOU Stephanie and that beautiful grand daughter that will soon be making her way into this world.
This evening I got a call from a man wanting to come down tomorrow to see Prissy so I drove out to Middle Grove leaving at 6:50 pm and arriving back just after 8:15 pm. Galena was so sad to see Prissy leave, she followed us all the way back to the trailer.
That was a quick trip. Tomorrow she will be groomed up before the guests for Emma Herman's birthday party arrive.
Jewel was still in and covered by Evan.

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