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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Another Video of Sangria's Filly

Since I worked yesterday, Diane agreed to handle the Berean work today leaving me free to run Rosalie and Roxanne out to Middle Grove. We didn't have rain predicted but when I arrived at Middle Grove a nice soft rain had started to fall. Instead of hiking back to the horses with the camera, Rosalie and Roxanne were just taken into the summer pasture and let loose to find their own way back to the herd. Rosalie has grown up there and is very comfortable, she promptly dropped her head and started grazing. Roxanne was not sure this was a good idea, grazing without the herd to watch over her but she decided not to leave Rosalie and find them on her own.
The rain followed me all the way home. Rhoda was here when I arrived and offered to go shopping with me. We drove to Pekin and visited two stores, Big R where we bought cat food, bedding for the trailer and 2 very large bones for Darcy and Emma. When we went to load the car the heavens had opened and the downpour coming down drenched us within seconds. The bedding was torn and spilled on the back seat of the Prius. Oh how I miss our old Matrix, now I'm going to have to sweep it out. Next was Aldi, Rhoda picked up 4 dozen eggs for me and I picked up another 4 dozen eggs. At 38 cents a dozen we will find lots of recipes this weekend to use them up.  We drove through streams and actual lakes of water flooding the roads of Pekin. The closer we got to Hanna City the less standing water but we were still thrilled to find our rain gauge holding 8 tenths of an inch. 
The sun came out within an hour. Rhoda decided to ride Sangria for a bit better video of her filly. That filly didn't just have a video made she got all kinds of instructions.
 Check out how high all four hooves are off the ground in the picture above and below Rhoda is giving her some in-hand halter training.

 We want the foal to accept us putting our arms around her anytime and any where, below Rhoda is picking up her hooves. 
 Broke to RIDE? Well maybe for tiny dogs but certainly not for humans.  This is so amazing for a foal, to accept a dog on her back at 4 weeks old. 
 We worked on trailer loading. This filly had never been loaded before today and didn't do as well as the foals that get shipped back and forth to Middle Grove and the vet.
 She did way better backing out than going forward.
We put her in and out 3 times then decided she had worked hard enough. Hopefully I can do this again. Check out the video below to see how we start the foal with leading. 

Both Rhoda and I were pretty thrilled with her training today. As soon as Rhoda left for home I left for Sam's Club to pick up dog food and a rotisserie chicken for our supper. After supper Mark helped move a round bale in the back pasture then started scraping the driveways. I finished cleaning out the trailer, putting a hay bag in it and getting it ready for the trip tomorrow morning. Karin and I will be leaving at 6:30 am to drive to U of I to pick up Marika and her colt.

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