The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, April 28, 2016


Emma woke us in the wee hours of the morning whining at our bedroom door. I thought she wanted out but nope, there was lightning flashing and a rumble of thunder so she thought she should sleep by our bed. I fell right back to sleep. When 5:00 am rolled around I ran out to the rain gauge to see how much rain had fallen and was so disappointed to see just the bottom of the rain gauge wet. When Mark got up I made the comment we didn't get any rain. He laughed and told me, "I went out to check the rain gauge around 3:00 am, it had about 4 tenths of an inch in it so I dumped it."  The sun came out for our walk this morning. After the walk Diane took off for TEMCO to pick up the Berean mail while I drove separate to that office. To read about our labor intensive day there click HERE.
We had a busy evening. Mark worked on the wiring of the solar system while I teased mares. None of them are showing so the boys were given a day off. Emily took her cow Goldie home today so I was going to put a few mares in the pond pasture but after looking at it decided we need to get it mowed first. The mower that goes on the tractor is at Phil and Anna's. I'll have to make time to drive the tractor over to pick that up soon. Emily moved a new bale in for Valiant and one in Raven's old paddock then moved the mares with foals into that paddock and off the field. Now that we got some rain I want the field to grow up a bit before using it again. Emily had one very scary incident happen this afternoon. She was teasing Hadassah and Whitney with Valiant when Valiant backed away quickly and got away from her. He ran right over to Evan who immediately challenged him. Emily started screaming at Valiant and instead of fighting, he backed off and let her catch him quietly. We were pleased with his reaction but Emily was all shook up. She was shaking badly then had to go in and take a test. Sure hope that came out ok for her.  After I teased Lily, she and her filly were taken to the outdoor arena for a few pictures.

She is almost a month old and just massive. She was taken into the stall for some handling, haltering and tying lessons. We even started a little bit of leading. Her name is Joanna and she has an attitude to go with that muscle. She was very good for picking up all her hooves but not so good for putting on her halter. I'll have to be more consistent and do this everyday for a while. 
Indy was brought in and given a quick groom. She had rolled today in the mud.

She was left inside for the night. She is due in 12 days. She went 10 days early last year so I'm keeping her in each night from now on until she delivers and the foal is old enough.
Mom called with a correction, Miss Molly is only at 60 days of pregnancy. 

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